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Irregular Periods: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

by Adira Editorial on Oct 17, 2024

Irregular Periods: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Millions of girls worldwide undergo the regular, natural biological process of menstruation every month. Menstruation occurs when tissue and blood are shed in the uterus lining, and it comes out from the uterus through the cervix, followed by the vagina. The menstrual cycle generally lasts for four to seven days and happens roughly every 28 days. It is also known by other names such as menstrual periods, menstrual cycle, menses, or period.

According to the data, around 14 to 25% of women of reproductive age are facing irregular period problems. Generally, the period lasts for four to seven days, and it occurs naturally for an average length of 29 days. In unpredictable periods, the cycle is either less than 21 days or over 35 days and in a hole of two to three months with a light and overwhelming menstrual stream. 

Common Causes Of Irregular Periods

Hormones play an important role in regulating the period cycle. When you have a hormone imbalance, it leads to irregular periods. There are many causes of this condition, here are a few of them:

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome is commonly known as PCOS. It is a generally endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. In PCOS, ovaries start producing androgen (a type of hormone) in large amounts, which delays or stops ovulation and leads to irregular periods, excess hair growth in unwanted areas, pelvic pain, heavy bleeding, and face difficulty in getting pregnant. Generally, in this syndrome, the formation of cysts takes place, and because of this, the size of the ovary changes. Sometimes, in adverse conditions, the increased size of cysts creates pressure on the surrounding organs.


Endometriosis happens when endometrial tissue grows in an area except the uterus. This causes pain, and scar tissue starts growing in the pelvic area. It often begins at the first menstrual cycle and lasts until menopause. Symptoms are light bleeding as well as heavy bleeding, along with menstrual cramps or pelvic pain.

Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid hormones play an important role in the body. When the thyroid gland does not produce sufficient hormones, this leads to a thyroid disorder. Thyroid hormones play a vital role in the proper functioning of the female reproductive system. In hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland is less active, whereas in hyperthyroidism the thyroid gland is more active, leading to irregular periods.

Birth Control Pills

Having birth control pills for long durations and then discontinuing them leads to irregular periods. as it is a combination of two hormones named oestrogen and progestin which prevent pregnancy and affect the menstruation cycle.

Lifestyle Factor

Taking too much stress, not sleeping properly, losing and gaining weight significantly, dancing and doing gymnastics for a long duration, or eating unhealthy food regularly also leads to irregular periods.

Also Read: Common Period Problems And What They Mean

Symptoms Of Irregular Period To Watch Out For

Signs And Symptoms Of Irregular Periods

There are several irregular period symptoms that we need to take care of as soon as possible. If you witness any of the symptoms below, always prioritise visiting a gynaecologist. 

  • Irregular periods that occur in less than 21 days or exceed 35 days apart.
  • In menstrual disorders, periods are skipped more than three times a year.
  • The bleeding lasts for more than seven days or less than two days.
  • Most of the time, in irregular periods, the flow of the blood is very heavy,   otherwise very low.
  • The intervals between the menstrual cycles are longer than nine days. For example, the first cycle lasts for 28 days, the next lasts for 37 days, and the next lasts for 29 days, so there are no proper gaps in between.
  • The bleeding lasts for more than seven days or less than two days.
  • Most of the time, in irregular periods, the flow of the blood is very heavy, otherwise very low.
  • The intervals between the menstrual cycles are longer than nine days. For example, the first cycle lasts for 28 days, the next lasts for 37 days, and the next lasts for 29 days, so there are no proper gaps in between.
  • Women with irregular periods face severe pain, abdominal cramps, back cramps, headaches, acne, mood swings, bloating, or disturbance in sleeping patterns during the periods.

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Diagnosis And Tests For Irregular Periods You Should Know About

As irregular periods happen due to multiple reasons, diagnosis is the key to finding a cure. Here are a couple of tests that are usually suggested by doctors to find out the cause. 

Blood Test

If you visit the doctor for irregular menstruation, they may suggest some blood tests to identify the actual reason for the irregularity. The specific blood tests for irregular periods include testing of thyroid d-stimulating hormone (TSH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin, testosterone, DHEA, and 17-hydroxyprogesterone. Changes in these hormone levels lead to irregular periods.

Pelvic Ultrasound

Pelvic ultrasound technology permits doctors to see the reproductive organs in detail with a clear view and image. They check the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, bladder, and cervix through this process. This painless process helps detect the reasons for irregular periods resulting from polyps, ovarian cysts, or uterine fibroids.

Also Read : Menstrual Hygiene And Health: What You Need To Know

Irregular Periods Treatment Options

Remediating irregular periods can be a lengthy process. However, sticking to a recommended regime is inevitable. Here are the most common treatment options available for menstruation irregularity. 

Hormonal Therapy

Hormone therapy is useful and effective if perimenopause is the cause of irregular periods. It is also very effective for other menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and dryness of the vagina. This therapy has some particular side effects, like fatigue, memory problems, and weight gain with decreased muscle mass. Therefore, consult a medical professional before opting for it.

Contraceptive Pills

Contraceptives are also known as 21-day tablets. These pills are generally a combination of oestrogen and progestin. Such medicines come in different forms, like pills, injections, a vaginal ring, or an intrauterine device (IUD). If PCOS, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or hyperthyroidism is the reason for the irregularity of periods, then this medicine can help to overcome the irregular periods.

Yoga And Exercises

Practising yoga and exercise helps keep stress levels under control, which balances hormone levels and helps overcome irregular periods. It also eases menstrual cramps and other symptoms. 

Maintaining A Healthy Weight

Maintaining an accurate and healthy weight is also very essential to overcome most of the symptoms of periods. A weight change can significantly contribute to irregular periods. Try to have healthy food to keep the body in active mode. Body Mass Index (BMI) will help to understand what the proper weight should be concerning height.


Doctors advise surgery in severe cases. When the issue is related to the fallopian tube, uterus, and size of the cysts, it leads to irregular periods.

When To Seek Medical Help

Seeking advice from a healthcare practitioner is a mandate if you have any of the following problems. 

  • When you feel intolerable pain (cramps) amid or in between the periods, counsel the doctor.
  • If your period lasts for more than seven days and you have all the symptoms of toxic shock syndrome (TSS), such as vomiting, fainting, fever, dizziness, or diarrhoea,  contact your gynaecologist.
  • Once you find any spotting or vaginal bleeding when not on your period or once you have menopause, then go for medical help.  
  • Consult the doctor if you are going through irregular heavy bleeding or passing larger blood clots than usual.
  • In case you are facing a foul-smelling vaginal discharge, take a bit of advice from your doctor.
  • Regular period cycles become very irregular or sudden; in that case, also consult a gynaecologist.
  • If you are having irregular periods and planning to get pregnant, consult the doctor.  
Also Read : Are Blood Clots In Periods Normal?

    How Do I Reduce The Risk Of Having Irregular Periods?

    You should accommodate the following lifestyle changes in order to reduce the risk of irregular menstruation. 

    • Adopt relaxation and stress-reduction measures.
    • Be sure that you obtain adequate sleep
    • Avoid doing long or difficult workouts.
    • Have a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet and engaging in moderate exercise. Rather than following methods that severely restrict your food and calorie consumption, try losing weight gradually.
    • Follow instructions while using birth control tablets or other forms of birth control.
    • Change sanitary pads every four to six hours to prevent infections.
    • Schedule routine check-ups with your gynaecologist. 


    Irregular periods are very common in today’s world. This restorative condition influences changes in the length, activity, and recurrence of the menstrual cycle, PCOS, thyroid, hormonal disturbance, or changes in lifestyle are factors for irregular periods. Getting back to the normal menstrual cycle is possible with the help of a doctor's advice, changes in lifestyle, and following the discussed measures.

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