Well, that might sound uncomfortable, but it’s okay! Most mothers face this issue. Conventional education usually does not include personal hygiene and self-care. Periods are an extremely important part of your daughter’s growth and it is best that you have the period talk with your daughter.
Indian kids are usually not used to being spoken about important health conditions like periods and sex education, neither in school nor at home. Being a mother, you play a vital role in guiding your daughter on the right path, before she learns from unreliable sources.
Periods could be something you both might shy away from talking about, but with a little effort, you will find it is not as tough as you thought it would be. To prepare yourself better you can read how to prepare for your daughter’s first period.
Building Trust Through Conversation
“You have to know this”, “We gotta discuss something” and “This is important for you, my girl” could be a few icebreakers for you to begin the conversation. As a mother, you could narrate to her your own experience of when you got your first period. Keep the conversation light and easy.
Also read: Tips to bond with your teenage daughter
Nervous Is Natural
You can be nervous to have a period talk with your daughter. Don’t worry, nervousness is just normal. You can use this fun video to introduce her to puberty in a positive way.
Wearing leakproof panties can help her during her unsure days. Introduce her to the puberty needs such as – Period panty, sanitary napkins, panty liners etc.
The Ultimate Period Starter Kit: Empower Your Daughter With The Essentials Needed
Proper preparation can help her understand her body and periods with self-confidence. Give her instances from your past to help her with her future. Derive lessons in fun ways to open her up and help her relate to what could happen and how she could avoid them. While in this conversation, you can also educate her about the risks and measures she must take while out with her peers. We, at Adira, have curated a period starter kit with all the period essentials that she would need.
This talk doesn’t end here, it is just the beginning. After periods you can talk to her about her body changes and teach her how to protect herself in different situations. Space for a conversation around sensitive situations can be created here, this is the right time. Talks related to sexual abuse, eve teasing and sex education can be a few topics you could enlighten her about later.
Befriending your daughter will give her a trustworthy friend to talk to and help her with a cup of counselling whenever required but will also help you get some load off while you know you’re aware of what’s happening with her.
Cheers to womanhood!
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