After PadMan, Meet This Panty Woman
by Adira Editorial on Mar 03, 2022

Unless you are living under a rock, you will know about the movie, Pad Man. Akshay Kumar’s movie is a biopic on Arunachalam Muruganantham. Kumar’s promotion for his upcoming film Pad Man, the #PadmanChallenge has not only been embraced by the Bollywood battalion but fans and followers have also been sharing photos of themselves on all social media platforms.
But is this just riding the wave or will change actually be affected?
I Believe It Does!
Little boys (and even big boys) worship actors like Akshay Kumar, Aamir Khan & Arjun Kapoor, who jump from building to building. Imagine, these macho stars now holding a sanitary pad, which God forbid should not be seen in public otherwise. Their sensitivity towards this feminine issue is going to cause a ripple amongst young boys, the future gentlemen to treat women with respect and dignity.
But even with sanitary pads, girls still stain during periods, is something that we all know. Playing sports, sitting for long class hours, during exams and not having access to proper toilets make pads insufficient. Period stains continue to happen. It is a common practice for girls to ask their friends to ‘check’ their backs to see if there are any stains. This practice remains. Here is a woman who has solved this problem.
Also read: Why Do You Need Period Panties?
With That Said, Let’s Meet The “Panty Woman” Of Bengaluru
Deepa, a Telecommunications Engineer, turned entrepreneur and mother of 2 girls, is the Founder and CEO of Adira, a brand that makes stain-free period panties.
She realised that this was not the problem of the pads, but that of the panties, which were not designed for periods. To solve this problem of staining, she invented Adira Period Panties that are leak-proof, breathable & skin-friendly. She has a USA patent for this product.
She wants girls and women to stay stain-free and hygienic, and with her period panties, she has impacted the lives of over 50,000 girls and women around the world.
Every year during Women’s Day, she also organises a Period Panty giveaway for girls from underprivileged backgrounds. The brand also talks about personal hygiene during this event which helps girls look at puberty in a positive way.
If you wish to collaborate with this event, mail
Here Are Some Photos Of Last Year’s Event:
Because Remember, Dealing With Periods Is Much More Than Just An Instagram Challenge.
I, Anubha Upadhya M, work as Social Media Strategist for Adira.
1 in 5 women in India, suffer from Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), where women suffer from irregular periods and can’t predict their period date. Most of them end up using pads (which are super expensive BTW) to stay safe and avoid stains, just in case they get periods. This is uncomfortable and creates excess sanitary waste which is not bio-degradable. Using these period panties can save you money and keep the environment clean.
Break the taboo, but while you’re at it, be responsible too.
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