Tips for Managing Your Period on Long Train & Plane Journeys

by Adira Editorial on
Tips for Managing Your Period on Long Train & Plane Journeys

We, women, are usually mindful of our period dates when we travel. Though most of us don't keep from travel on those 5 days, a good number of us do. And then, a few of us push the period dates so travel is not inconvenient and some push travel itself. While it might not be the most comfortable thing to be on a long plane ride during periods, here are a few tips that will help you get by more easily.

  • Use Adira Period Panty - Boxer style that is meant for high flow days. They are leakproof, hold the pad in place and will not allow accidental stains to pass through your clothes and stain the seats. They are used with pads and are made of comfortable cotton so you stay stain-free and comfy throughout the journey.
  • Carry enough supplies of pads/tampons and change often. As often as once in 2-3 hours is recommended.
  • Carry wipes as they always come in handy. Even in the restroom.
  • And yes, a little cute purse with all these period supplies makes your restroom trip effortless.

Also read: Panties & Bras For Periods


Managing your period on long train or plane journeys may seem challenging, but it is not impossible. By being prepared and following some simple tips such as carrying enough menstrual products, wearing comfortable clothing and staying hydrated, you can ensure a comfortable and stress-free journey. Additionally, it is important to remember that menstruation is a natural bodily process, and there is no shame in taking care of your menstrual health while travelling.

Happy Travels 🙂

Shop all Adira essentials including period panty boxers for an extra 10% off using code "STRESSFREEPERIODS".


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