How To Reduce Heavy Bleeding During Periods?

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Menstrual bleeding is a natural phenomenon but if you are suffering from painful cramps and heavy periods you need to investigate any underlying condition by visiting your doctor. Heavy bleeding is not a disease but the loss of blood can take a toll on your health. A girl loses much blood during the entire menstrual cycle and it can drastically reduce the iron and hemoglobin level in the body. Excessive loss of blood during periods can lead cause anemia, weakness, fatigue and mood swings.

How Do You Know If Your Period Is Heavy? 

According to research, during a normal menstrual cycle, a woman loses about 40 ml of blood. When a woman loses an average of 70 ml or more blood, they are considered a heavy period. In addition to it, below are some additional red flags which should not be avoided.

1. The menstrual cycle lasts for a week or more days.
2. Changing sanitary pads, tampons or cups every couple of hours.
3. Changing pads in the middle of the night.
4. Noticing big clots of blood during periods.
5. During periods women experience fatigue, breathlessness and fogginess.

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What Causes Heavy Bleeding During Periods?

Following are some reasons why you can have a heavy period (also known as menorrhagia).

#1. Fibroids

Most of the heavy bleeders suffer from fibroids, which leads to heavy loss of blood. Fibroids are usually small growths inside the uterine lining and are usually very common in women of childbearing age. The good news about uterine polyps is, they can be removed through a minor surgery and they are not cancerous.

#2. Hormonal issues

Another major cause of heavy bleeding is the imbalance in the hormonal level. It usually occurs during the menopause phase or during adolescence. The hormonal imbalance is usually due to the high level of progesterone in women’s bodies. A woman bleeds heavily as her body takes the effort to accept the new changes.

#3. Issues Due To Pregnancy

Heavy bleeding can be due to common pregnancy complications like ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage. Women can bleed heavily due to improper fetus positioning. Usually, the fetus forms outside the wall of the uterus. It can be also due to the death of the fetus inside the womb.

#4. Adenomyosis

In the case of Adenomyosis, a female body experiences the entire childbearing process many times in her whole lifetime. This can have a bad effect on the reproductive organs (mostly the uterine walls) and can also damage them. As a result, the uterine walls become weak, thin and vulnerable to damage. There are some cases, where the nearby organs can also get affected, all this leads to excellent bleeding.

#5. Birth control methods

Prolonged use of birth control intrauterine devices can also lead to excess menstrual bleeding.

#6. Cancerous cells

Cancerous cells can also lead to high periods. A cancerous agent in and around the uterus can cause cervical or ovarian cancer in a woman. The chances are rare but the growth of cancerous cells in the body can lead to excessive menstrual bleeding.

Heavy periods usually mean the passing of blood clots too.

Also Read: Blood Clots In Period: Is It Normal?

Natural Home Remedies To Reduce Heavy Flow Of Periods

  • Drink lots of water
  • Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables
  • Drink Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Drink Gelatin
  • Use Period Panties from Adira to prevent stains from heavy periods

Also Read: Period Pain: Tips To Deal With It

When To See A Doctor?

If you are having unusually heavy periods which you feel you cannot manage, then visit your doctor for a check-up. If it cannot be treated through home remedies, then your doctor will advise you to use oral contraceptives and hormone supplements and in the last scenario, even surgery can be considered as the treatment for heavy bleeding.


Heavy bleeding during periods is a common problem faced by many women. While it is a natural phenomenon, excessive blood loss can lead to anaemia, weakness and fatigue. It is essential to identify the cause of heavy bleeding and seek medical advice if it cannot be managed at home.

 Factors such as fibroids, hormonal imbalances, pregnancy complications, adenomyosis, birth control methods and cancerous cells can cause heavy periods. 

Natural remedies such as drinking water, consuming fruits and vegetables and using period panties can help reduce heavy flow. 

However, if the problem persists, doctors may suggest oral contraceptives, hormone supplements, or surgery as treatment options. It is crucial to seek medical attention if the bleeding is unusually heavy or cannot be managed at home.

Have you tried period panties yet?

Shop Period Boxers and Period Hipsters here.

The boxer fit period panties work best for heavy flow. They will surely protect you from staining your sheets and outfits. The hipster fits are best for medium flow days.

Do you experience heavy flow? How do you manage your periods during work? Share below!

Shop all Adira essentials including period panties for an extra 10% off using code "COMFYPERIODS" 

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