Tips To Deal With Your Teen’s Puberty Fears

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Tips To Deal With Your Teen’s Puberty Fears

Most teens get afraid with the changes that they face as puberty kicks in but you can help make it a smoother experience for your daughter. Even though you have been through puberty yourself and know that hormonal and body changes are normal, it is very important to make your daughter understand the same.

Communicate Openly About Her Puberty Changes

The first step to easing your daughter into puberty is to talk to her openly about the changes that her body will undergo and to tell her that it is completely natural and healthy for these changes to occur. Tell her about your experience with puberty and how you (along with every woman in the world) went through the same.

Talk to her about periods, changes in breasts and other things; you can show her this really fun-educational video about puberty which would not only help her understand things but also remove the ‘taboo’ around it.

Also read: Tips To Bond With Your Teenage Daughter

Address Her Puberty Fears

Once you have had the initial talk with your daughter, encourage her to talk to you about it; ask her to share her problems, her fears or whatever comes to her mind. Keep in mind, never laugh off or react strongly to any of her questions even though they might seem crazy to you because you will only put her off and she might cave in.

Help her overcome ‘body shame’ and make her comfortable enough to talk to you so that whenever she faces a problem, she can come to you without any hesitation. Some of the most common insecurities that young girls have are:


Avoid this by getting your daughter a pair of period-panties, it is one of the best ways to help her; it is a leak-proof and breathable undergarment that ensures a comfortable and embarrassment-free period as it prevents all common areas of staining. It would help her in having a worry-free period. Read this further to understand how to prepare your daughter if she gets her first period in school.

Hair Growth:

Hair growth in the pubic and underarms region might make your daughter feel awkward; let her know that this is natural and happens to everybody at the onset of puberty. You can further read this blog to understand how to talk to her about hair removal and when is the right time for it.

Growing Breasts:

Many girls get conscious of themselves during this stage which leads to low confidence and low self-esteem. It is important to address this issue before it becomes too big; help your daughter in choosing the right bra depending on where she is in her puberty, this would help build a positive body image.

Welcome Her To Womanhood!

Gift your daughter a period starter pack (which has period panties, a fun-educational book on puberty, a diary to mark her cycles and much more) which would be a warm gesture from your side on her stepping into womanhood. Help her choose a starter bra for her.

Communicate openly with your daughter and address all her fears; help her ease into puberty and try to be her friend on the way!

Also read: Why, When & How To Have The Period Talk With Your Daughter?


Puberty can be a challenging time for teens as they navigate physical, emotional and social changes.

As parents, it is important to be aware of your teen's fears and concerns and to provide them with the necessary support and guidance to help them cope with these changes.

Some helpful tips for dealing with your teen's puberty fears include keeping communication lines open, providing factual information about puberty and menstruation, discussing the use of menstrual products, and encouraging healthy habits such as exercise, good nutrition and stress management.

By providing a safe and supportive environment, parents can help their teens navigate through this period of transition with confidence and ease.

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