What Is The Right Age To Start Using Incontinence Panties?
by Adira Editorial on Mar 03, 2022

The loss of bladder control; incidences of accidental or involuntary loss of urine from the bladder is termed as urinary incontinence. The severity of the problem ranges from leaking urine when you sneeze or cough to a sudden and strong urge to urinate at any time.
This widely prevalent problem, once considered to be only found in older people, is in fact not age related. It can cause problems and affect daily lives of younger people as well; statistics suggest that more than 40% women between the ages of 30 – 35 years suffer from urinary incontinence. Contrary to popular opinion, urinary incontinence is not a disease; it is a symptom that is caused by daily habits, physical problems or underlying medical conditions. Read further to understand what kind of urinary incontinence you are suffering from and how to cure it.
Temporary Urinary Incontinence
Temporary urinary incontinence is mostly due to daily habits and can be cured by simply making certain lifestyle changes; following are some of the most common causes –
- Certain foods, drinks and even medications stimulate your bladder and increase the volume of urine; like, alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners, chocolates, heart and blood pressure medicines, muscle relaxants, chilli peppers among other things. Limiting the consumption of these things can help you.
- Temporary urinary incontinence can also be caused by easily treatable medical conditions like urinary tract infection and constipation.
Persistent Urinary Incontinence
Persistent urinary incontinence is caused by underlying physical conditions and it is better to seek help as it can also help you in detecting diseases in time. The following are some of the most common causes –
- Hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause.
- A tumour in your urinary tract can also affect the normal urine flow.
- Neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease or stroke.
- Weakening of vaginal muscles during vaginal delivery.
Suffering from Urinary Incontinence? Make Lifestyle Changes and Seek Medical Help
People shy away from acknowledging urinary incontinence as a problem or seeking help for it even though it interferes with daily activities and might also become embarrassing in social settings. If you are suffering from urinary incontinence, don’t feel shy or embarrassed in talking to a doctor about it; approaching a doctor timely can help cure it and restore your life to normalcy.
Apart from seeking medical attention, you can also take certain steps yourself, like –
- Buy Incontinence Panties – There is no right or wrong age to use incontinence panties; if it is affecting your life then it is wise to make the switch to incontinence panties. They keep you dry and odour-free from leaks and boost your confidence and self-esteem as well.
- Start Kegel Exercises – These are a set of pelvic floor exercises that consist of repeated contracting and relaxing of pelvic floor muscles and help in strengthening them. Doing these exercises regularly can help you in controlling and preventing urinary incontinence.
- Limit Stimulating Foods – Limiting the consumption of alcohol, caffeine, artificial sweeteners and carbonated drinks would help in preventing urinary incontinence.
Don’t shy away from the problem; take charge of your life, make lifestyle changes and approach an urologist who can help you in solving this issue!